We have been so busy! There is so much last minuet stuff that needs to be taken care of! We are going out to the house today to do some painting and cleaning. We still have to finish the inside of the dog kennel! Thankfully, my Dad was able to take off work today to go work on the house. That sounds funny. He has taken off work to go to work! Any way, we are moving in 5 days! It has come so fast, I don't even know whats happening. We still have not closed on the house. I would appreciate all of your prayers on that matter.
The Lord has been so faithful through all of this! On Saturday, when we were working at the house, the owner who farms all of the fields around us, came up to the house to introduce himself. He was a very nice man and only lives about 2 miles away from us and is our mailman. We have about an acre tillable field in front of our house, and He asked if he could rent it from us for top dollar! That will pay for our Home Owners Insurance for a year! It is just amazing to see how God works! He deserves all the praise and glory for giving us this farm and working out a lot of the small details that matter to us. What an awesome God we serve!
We are selling a lot of the puppies, which is another answer to our prayers. And, (you will never believe this), but out other dog, who we thought could not be pregnant, is! She will probably have her litter sometime this week! Talk about a bad time to have puppies. This will also be her first litter. I would appreciate all of your prayers on this subject as well.
Well, off to do the chores and then to the house!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
House Update
Well, it looks like we won't be closing on the house until next week!! We are rather disappointed, as there are a lot of things that must be done. We were hoping to have more time to work on the house. We will only have about 6 days to do everything before we move. There is a lot of painting that needs to be done. But, I know God has a plan for all of this, and I must wait patiently. His plan is always better than ours.
I know this is completely off topic, but I thought I would share it with you anyway. My Grandmother is having surgery on her shoulder the day before we move and I would really appreciate it if you all would pray for her. We are not sure if she is saved, so of course that is our biggest concern. Hopefully, she will come through it OK. She is 79, and has many health issues. Thanks for all of your prayers already on the house! It is much appreciated!
I know this is completely off topic, but I thought I would share it with you anyway. My Grandmother is having surgery on her shoulder the day before we move and I would really appreciate it if you all would pray for her. We are not sure if she is saved, so of course that is our biggest concern. Hopefully, she will come through it OK. She is 79, and has many health issues. Thanks for all of your prayers already on the house! It is much appreciated!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
~Building The Kennels~
Yesterday, we went out to the house and built the dog kennels. It took us about 5 hours, and we're not done yet! We still have some things to do on the inside, but the majority of the work is done. We had a lot of fun doing all the work though! It is so quiet out there, we only seen 1 car in the whole 5 hours! We didn't want to leave, but are thankful that we were able to get the kennels built before we close on the house. We are supposed to close on Monday, but it might be pushed out until Wednesday or Thursday. Hopefully, we can close on Monday so we can get more done in the house. Here are some pictures of the kennel, before and after.

This is the inside where we will divide it for the dogs.

The finished product!

Thursday, April 8, 2010
Packing and then some
Packing is going smoothly. We have a TON of stuff!! It's unbelievable all the boxes we have. Our home is looking like a house now. You really don't notice how pictures on the wall and all those "homey touches" really make a difference. We are all anticipating when we can make our new house a home. It looks like we will be closing on our house next Wednesday, April 14. We also found out that we are not getting 5 acres, but 6.24 acres! What a lovely surprise. They had to survey the land before we could close on it, which we are glad about, as we have the abstract of the land.
This Saturday, we are going out to the house to build dog kennels and do some outside things. I can only do so much to help. My foot is doing a lot better though. It wont be 100% for about 6 weeks. We went to the doctor on Monday. She said that I had sprained it and bruised the bone. Thankfully,I can still do some things. On moving day, I can only lift lighter boxes. I know that God has a plan for everything, and I am thankful for allowing this to happen, as He has taught me a very valuable lesson. I am very thankful to a friend who has reminded me of that, how all things work together for my good.
Moving day is coming in 16 short days. Still so many things to do. Thankfully, my sister has not been injured and has been a great help. My mother said that we can not do anything daring or dangerous, so that we will be able to help get the house ready and help move!! :o) Please remember to keep praying for us, that everything will go according to plan ( hopefully it's His too ;o) and that all of our puppies would sell. Thanks for all of your prayers!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Pictures of Puppies!!!
Here are a few puppie pictures. I hope you enjoy them!

This is Honey, a couple days before her eyes opened.

This is Fern. She looks really dark in the picture.

This is Budders. She has one of the most wrinkly faces ever!!
I'm afraid that is all I have time to put on. Off to the doctor. Hopefully, she can help me with my sprained ankle!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
An Easter Prayer
O God, who for our redemption gave your only begotten Son to death on the Cross, and by his glorious resurrection has delivered us from the power of our enemy: Grant that we who celebrate with joy the day of our Lord’s resurrection, may be raised from the death of sin by your life-giving Spirit. Grant us so to die daily to sin, that we may evermore live with him in the joy of his resurrection, empowered and transformed by your grace in and among us.
O Lord, so stir up in your church, indeed in each of us, that Spirit of adoption and reconciliation that is made possible by your grace revealed in Jesus the Christ, that we being renewed in both body and mind, may worship and serve you in sincerity and truth. We pray this in the name of the same Jesus Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
O Lord, so stir up in your church, indeed in each of us, that Spirit of adoption and reconciliation that is made possible by your grace revealed in Jesus the Christ, that we being renewed in both body and mind, may worship and serve you in sincerity and truth. We pray this in the name of the same Jesus Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
This year for Easter, instead of getting together with all of the extended family, we had my sister,Kelli and her fiancee and his family over. We had a very enjoyable time. We had a wonderful meal and played Pictionary, which was rather competitive! Of course, they wanted to see the puppies. They are getting HUGE! They just found their bark and are rather fond of using it. Next weekend, they will be going out to the barn, which I am glad of. They are getting rather loud, which makes it rather difficult to sleep at night.
I hope you all had a very blessed Easter. I thank the LORD daily for choosing me and for giving His only Son to die and agonising death. Sola De Gloria!!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
A Tea Party
Today we went to our friends house and had scones and tea this morning. We had a very enjoyable time. We also played some music together, of which I always love doing. Then, we went outside and played a game with the younger children, and I proceeded to sprain my ankle! It happened so suddenly that I didn't realize what had really happened, until I started playing again! So, now I am not much of a help to my mother and sister, especially with packing. Hopefully, I'll be better tomorrow so I can get back to being a help!
Tomorrow we are going out to the house again. We need to measure some things and do another overall look at the place. Please continue to pray for everything to go smoothly. There are still some things that need to be sorted out before we close. After we are done at the house, our church is having a service called "The Service of Tenebrae." We go there and sing songs, and think solemnly on our dear Saviors death. We then depart in silence and reverence to our Lord and Savior. I am very much looking forward to worship with our church family.
Tomorrow we are going out to the house again. We need to measure some things and do another overall look at the place. Please continue to pray for everything to go smoothly. There are still some things that need to be sorted out before we close. After we are done at the house, our church is having a service called "The Service of Tenebrae." We go there and sing songs, and think solemnly on our dear Saviors death. We then depart in silence and reverence to our Lord and Savior. I am very much looking forward to worship with our church family.
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