I have been wanting a horse for awhile now. We had some before, but none of them were the right "fit". I wanted one that was just the right height and one that I could train. I either wanted a Quarter Horse or a Haflinger. Well, I found the perfect size, best personality, and one I could train horse. I want to ride english, and most horses around here are trained for western. She is a 2 1/2 year old Haflinger. I was able to bring her home on Friday night. Her previous name was Cupcake, nicknamed Cuppy. But I have decided to rename her, Celtic Promise. Her nickname is Celtie. (Which's rhymes with Cuppy. Well, kinda)
When we were bringing her home on Friday night, it was her first long trailer ride. It was raining so hard we could hardly see. All of a sudden, out of nowhere (as they usually do) a deer comes running across the road! We were trying to slow down, but the wait of the trailer was pushing us forward. The deer made it safe, but then another deer came running out, slipped, and SMACK! right in the middle of the van! We swerved and were able to recover and we had to keep going because of all the traffic behind us. When we got home and unloaded Celtie out of the trailer, my Dad checked the front of the van and not a single scratch! What a blessing! Let's just say, we had enough excitement for a long time.
Well, so much for no more excitement. My sister's wedding is this weekend and we are very busy. My Grandma is coming up from Iowa tomorrow to help out with whatever we need. We are going to spend the night in St. Cloud (which is where the wedding is) Thursday night and won't get back until Saturday night. Thankfully, we have some wonderful friends who are willing to do the chores here for us while we are away. Hopefully, nothing will go wrong and our dog, Angel, won't have puppies while we are away!
OK, last thing that has been going on around here. Our cat, Amelia, had 3 kittens. One died, but the other 2 are strong and healthy. One is a boy and the other a girl.
School is going good. We are taking ASL (American Sign Language) this year which I am really enjoying. We are taking a break though, with all this wedding stuff and visitors coming.
Well, until next time....
(Oops, I lied. I shared one more thing than I said I was gonna.)