I thought I would share with you all something I did for school. This is just the outline of it, and there will be more posts to finish it. I hope you enjoy it and please, leave a comment and let me know what you think!

A Cotswold Cottage
Homesteading: A Way of Life
By: Kaitlyn Becker
Homesteading and living self-sufficiently is a God honoring way to live. I believe that living on a farm, raising godly children in God’s creation, is one of the best ways to live. You can glorify God in many ways. No matter where you live, you can glorify God as long as you live it to the fullest for Him.
In this report, I am endeavoring to show you how you can live a self sufficient life on 10 acres. I will be comparing the homesteading way of life to the scriptures, as that is my basis for wanting to live this way.
I feel so strongly about this, that I want to share it with everyone I meet and tell them that there is a better way to live than going to the store every other day and depending on the government to supply you with the things you need when the Lord has blessed you with the means to do it right in your own back yard. "The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therin." Psalm 24:1 Yet we are too lazy and depend on others beside God to give us our daily bread. I hope that at the end of this report, it will inspire you to be self sufficient in some way. You can start by baking your own bread, having a garden to supply most of your food. Have a few chickens to provide meat and eggs. Take back what we, as Christians, have lost as we have become more and more like today’s culture. Let us take a stand for freedom in Christ and start providing for ourselves with grace from God to follow through with it. May we always strive to honor God in all that we do and be a living testimony for what He has done, and continues to do in our lives.
Soli Deo Gloria!
(Glory to God alone)