We just got back from our first trip out West. It was wonderful for more than one reason. :) When we got there, Leighton had flowers for me. I have never gotten flowers from anyone but my Dad, so it was really special. Then, we went out to dinner at Olive Garden, both of our favorite resturant! He also took me to Shepplers and bought me a hat, which I love! Then the next few days, we worked with the family. I was able to ride in all of the equipment and got a tour of the farm. Leighton and I had some great conversations. Saturday, they were cooking some TriTip at a wedding, so we were able to go to that together. It was a lot of fun. Then on Sunday, we went to church, met more people, and headed over to Leighton's Grandparents house for lunch and volleyball. We also had our Bible study on the "Courtin' Swing". It was our first bible study in person. It's a lot easier doing it in person than over the phone! Then on Monday, we did some other things around the farm and worked the cattle for most of the day. They needed to be taged and branded. It was a lot of fun to see "real" cowboys at work! (Especially since one of them is mine! :) Tuesday was our last full day together. Leighton took me to "Lone Mountain". What a beautiful veiw from up there! Then, Wednesday morning came and we headed back to the airport. I didn't think it would be as hard to leave as it was. But, it was eaisier leaving knowing that in 21 days, I shall be able to see him again! It just isn't the same without him. I feel so blessed to know such a wonderful man! As our story moves forward, (Lord willing) I will keep you all updated. :)
So, as promised, here are the pictures from our trip.
Waiting to board our plane. :) |
The flowers Leighton gave me at the airport. |
Dinner at Olive Garden the first night there. |
The hat Leighton bought me. I love it! |
Leighton coming to pick me up in his tractor. |
Kristina in the loader |
Leighton and I in the Hay Squeeze |
My Mom and Leighton's Mom, Tracy. |
Leighton and I in the sprayer. |
Triticale field |
Leighton and I at a wedding |
Leighton's brother, Austin, and his Mom. |
Leighton's sister, Mallory, brother Wade, and Kristina. |
Me and my Momma at the wedding. |
Most of us eating at "The Wok" |
From left to right: Dan, (Leighton's Dad), Tracy, Dad, Mom, Kristina, Grandma, Wade,
Mallory, Grandpa, Kent, me, Leighton, and Austin. |
Leighton and I having our Bible study on "The Courtin' Swing" :) |
Us. :) |
Branding |
This cow had an attitude and didn't really like anyone. |
Me, Leighton, a friend of theirs and Dan, Leighton's Dad. |
Loved the sign behind us! :) |
Kristina took this picture of me looking at Leighton. :) |