Thursday, March 7, 2013

New Blog!

So, here is the new blog! Let me know what you all think!! :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Change is coming...

It is only 18 days till my wedding. So many things are going on right now. Last minute planning, packing and moving my belongings, family and friends coming from out of mind is in a whirl wind right now! So many happy, excited, can't-wait-for-the-future feelings...mixed with sad ones as I am leaving my parents house and things will never be the same again. Yet, this is how it is supposed to be. My parents didn't raise me to stay home forever. They raised me to be a wife and mother. I am supposed to leave and cleave. And I want to... :)

   I want to be the wife God has called me to be. I want to honor and live for Him first and foremost, and live for Leighton second. This next year is going to be full of changes.. some fun, some hard. A lot of adjusting to a new lifestyle. One very different from the one I am used to, but am so looking forward to see what the Lord has in store for Leighton and I as we start our new life together.

After I am married, I will be starting a new blog. Before I close this one down, I will have a link to the new one. :) If you think of me in the next couple weeks, your prayers would be most appreciated as the wedding approaches.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Some Pictures...

Here are a few pictures of what has been going on. Sorry I haven't updated...I've been SUPER busy with wedding planning!! :D Only 66 more days!! YAY!! I'll post more pictures when I can and maybe some of my wedding stuff. :) I can't believe that in 9 Saturdays, I'll me Mrs. Knisley!!
Leighton and I at their employee BBQ

Thanksgiving day with his Grandparents, Aunt and Uncle and their children, and of course, our families. :)

My new horse Branson... isn't he beautiful?!

He is tons of fun to ride and great with the cows too. :)

Leighton and I celebrating his 21st birthday

A new jacket he got for his birthday :)

And his new sweater and shirt I got him for his birthday. Doesn't he look
amazing in it!? :)

Leighton and I at his house celebrating Christmas

Leighton and I ice skating New Year's Day...this was his first time

He did pretty good too...:)

Leighton and I at Pyramid Lake

We climbed a huge rock and on the other side....the lake! :)